Senior and Lean Interim Management - slim
Who - What ?

    Senior Professionals with Large Global Experiences

We Operate, Assist and Advice Companies

  in High-Tech or General Products and Services

  in Innovative and Industrial Businesses

  in a BtoB or BtoC Environment

                We Optimize Value, Cost and Risk !

Strategic Procurement and Supply Chain Efficiency 

Optimize Cost, Quality and Supply Management Process 

Suppliers Relations Management

Project- and Risk Management

Change and Transition Projects

Supply Chain Management and E2E Operations

On Site Trainings:

Procurement Strategy Definition - Contract Negotiations
Supplier Management / Improvement / Auditing
Make or Buy Decision - Risk Management - More...

       We Listen, Analyse, Propose and Implement!

Hire us Temporary as Independent 

for a Specific Project or Task

Freelance and Contracted,

all Wage cost Included

Send us a Message and
Let's Talk to Understand !

SLIM process

We Listen, Analyse, Propose and Implement
